Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday Matters #4
"Can Gun Control Reduce Crime?", Benedict D. LaRosa, Oct 2002

Many gun control advocates still use the various shootings in schools or armed assaults across the nation as evidence to support the theory that stricter gun control laws will actually prevent crime involving firearms and lower murder rates in the country. However, they seem to be forgetting that criminals engage in enough illegal activities already, so they won't be stopped from obtaining guns by this law--the only people that will be stopped are the law-abiding citizens that user firearms as defense against attackers, rapists, and so on. There are several statistics showing that states that had enforced gun control laws had since seens their violent crime and murder rates rise by a notable factor, while states that have almost no gun control laws have some of the lowest murder rates in the US. More often than not do people use guns to stop a criminal than with criminal intent, and it is those people that will have their self-defense weapons taken away, not the criminals, with stricter gun control laws.

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