Sunday, October 23, 2011

This picture, made by someone who is clearly pro-gun control actually presents one of the less common points used by people from his or her side. Most of the time, their chief argument is that gun control helps prevent crime by taking guns away from criminals, but this cartoon depicts how government is involved as well, and that if people can possess guns as they please, not only will the crime rate increase but there will be anarchy as well. It also denounces the gun control opponents as those who prefer anarchy and crime to order and government--displaying the man frowning equally at taxes, government, and regulations--associating them with Somalians, a group US has been having a lot of trouble with in the past years. The one flaw that exists is that this strictly denounces the other side in order to promote their own cause instead of trying to get some opponents of gun control to switch to the pro side.

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